The availability of safe affordable housing accommodations for refugees seeking protection from violence and persecution is one of the largest challenges facing the international humanitarian community today.
The Global Refugee Accommodation Working Group works to grow cross-sector global coordination, communication, and collaboration to seize and innovate opportunities to address refugee accommodation, shelter, and housing challenges.
Key Initiatives of the Working Group
As the Global Accommodation Working Group launches publicly, we hope to ensure global and cross-sector coordination, communication, and collaboration on accommodation, shelter, and housing (ASH) challenges and opportunities to ensure dignified and safe living situations for people on the move worldwide.
Convene key sectoral stakeholders globally in a forum that meets regularly for sharing and learning.
Use a real-time, interactive communication platform and protocols for the Working Group and sub-groups.
Collaboration & Innovation
Use an info-data platform to track global ASH information, challenges, solutions, opportunities, and successful initiatives.
Learn More
Interested in joining the working group? Fill out this expression of interest form.
To contact the working group email
Watch videos by the working group on YouTube: